The Class of 1975 50th Reunion 
Fri., Sat., & Sun. - May 30 through June 1

This is the homepage for all class members to check for schedule updates, class lists, and more as we prepare for
an exciting weekend in June!

This website page will serve as the "landing page" for all things related to your 50th Reunion Weekend, starting with a dinner reunion on Friday, May 30th, and ending with a send-off brunch on June 1st. If there are any changes to the schedule, they will be reflected here.

For now, please see below for:
  • Schedule of Events
  • Registration Link (coming soon)
  • Class Lists
    • Missing Address
    • Deceased Classmates
You can manually update your information here.

1975 Schedule of Events

*spouse/guest invited to each event. Please indicate on registration page*

FRIDAY, May 30 at 7:00 pm 
Reunion at Orange Lawn Tennis Club
  • The first event of the weekend will be our "Welcome Back" reunion at Orange Lawn Tennis Club
    • Address: 305 N Ridgewood Rd, South Orange Village, NJ 07079
    • 7:00-10:00pm
  • Dress Code: Casual 

SATURDAY, May 31 (Daytime) 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Mass, Anniversary Diploma Ceremony, Class Picture Campus Tours, Bookstore Open

Saturday is the most eventful day of the weekend.
  • 1:00 pm Mass & Diploma Ceremony: It starts at Seton Hall Prep (120 Northfield Ave., West Orange, NJ 07052) where we will celebrate Mass at 1:00pm, followed by a short diploma ceremony where all attendees of The Class of 1975 will receive their 50th Anniversary Diplomas!
  • Class Picture: Following Mass and the ceremony, we will take a class picture. Then, we will have student ambassadors present to host tour groups for those who want to tour our facilities on campus.
  • The bookstore will also be open and available to shop.
  • We expect this all to conclude by 3:00pm, allowing for a break before the night's festivities begin. 

SATURDAY, May 31 (NIGHT) @ 7:00 pm
Dinner Dance at The Highlawn
  • The main event - dinner will be hosted inside the Skyline room at The Highlawn
    • Address: 1 Crest Dr., West Orange, NJ, 07052
    • 7:00-11:00pm.
      The night will start with a cocktail hour followed by a sit-down dinner.
Dress Code: Dinner/Formal 

SUNDAY, June 1, from 10:00 am - noon
*Send-off Brunch at Seton Hall University* 
Student Center, Atrium  

The weekend concludes with our "send-off" brunch on Sunday at Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ, from 10:00am-12:00pm, pending confirmation. Brunch will be compliments of Seton Hall Prep. The location of the brunch is at the Atrium in the Student Center at Seton Hall University. 

Hotel Recommendations
Hotel recommendations:
    • Italian teacher Hugo Senerchia ’26 enjoys a birthday with his class on the 2nd floor of “New” Duffy.

    • At a New Duffy faculty meeting, Social Studies stalwarts Pete Giuffra (American History) and Charlie Douress (Economics).

    • Coach Finn Tracey, pre-game with Hall of Famer Keven McDonald and guard Dick Duckett

    • Bio teacher Joe Socha led an after-school cat dissection for the closely attentive members of the Bio Club

    • Chess team propose moves to coach Bill Coburn in Stafford Hall Library

    • Fr. Vaccaro and Fr. Bradley

    • Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser, Math Department 60s legend Aldo Itri entertained with Italian favorites

Missing Addresses & Deceased Classmates

List of 3 items.

  • No Valid Email Address - Class of '75

    Below are 1975 classmates who we DO NOT HAVE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS FOR. If you see your name on this list, please reach out to me at to update your information!

    Mr. Richard J. Adams '75

    Mr. Timothy P. Adams '75
    Mr. Humberto P. Alfonso '75
    Mr. John L. Ballen '75
    Mr. Edmund L. Bennett '75
    Mr. Michael Bishop '75
    Mr. Andrew J. Brindock '75
    Mr. William Broz '75
    Mr. James Brunelle '75
    Mr. John Burns '75
    Mr. Thomas M. Cafferty '75
    Mr. Tony F. Campi '75
    Mr. Anthony G. Campisi '75
    Mr. Gregory Cangelosi '75
    Mr. Gregory Cangialosi '75
    Mr. John Caradonna '75
    Mr. Angelo Cece '75
    Mr. Paul M. Collins '75
    Mr. Jim Costa '75
    Mr. David Dantonio '75
    Maj F. Peter De Marco '75
    Mr. Adriano De Pina, Jr. '75
    Mr. Nick DeGregorio '75
    Mr. Thomas DiSalvo '75
    Mr. Michael J. Dolan '75
    Dr. Thomas F. Dorrity '75
    Mr. Charles Driza '75
    Mr. Robert F. Duthie '75
    Mr. William E. Fiore '75
    Mr. Kevin Flannery '75
    Mr. Richard Francovitch '75
    Mr. Robert Goepel '75
    Mr. George Gorbenko '75
    Mr. Michael A. Guatta '75
    Mr. Otto J. Gulacsy '75
    Mr. James F. Hammill '75
    Mr. John Hannig '75
    Mr. Paul Hector '75
    Mr. James A. Hopkins '75
    Mr. Martin Hughes '75
    Mr. Douglas Hynes '75
    Dr. Edward P. Ingenito '75
    Mr. Joseph Jacob '75
    Mr. Winston Jones '75
    Mr. Robert E. Karl '75
    Mr. George J. Katilus '75
    Mr. Arthur Krystofiak '75
    Mr. Oleh Lazirko '75
    Mr. Bruce Legan '75
    Mr. Thomas A. Leonardis '75
    Mr. Joseph S. Lepore '75
    Dr. Stephen M. Levy '75
    Mr. Armon Magliaro '75
    Mr. Thomas Majcher '75
    Mr. Michael J. Manna '75
    Mr. Michael Maszczak '75
    Mr. Kevin M. McCabe '75
    Mr. James H. Merriam '75
    Mr. William R. Miller '75
    Mr. Dermot W. Moran '75
    Mr. John P. Mortenson '75
    Mr. Denis J. Mulvaney '75
    Mr. Thomas L. Murphy '75
    Mr. Mark P. Mylod '75
    Mr. Andrew Nagle '75
    Mr. William F. Oesterle '75
    Mr. Edward J. Osterhuber '75
    Mr. Michael Paglia '75
    Mr. George Pankewytch '75
    Dr. Marc S. Parlavecchio '75
    Mr. Orest Pelechaty '75
    Mr. Robert A. Peloso '75
    Mr. Randy Petrino '75
    Mr. Anthony Ramondini '75
    Mr. Robert J. Redden '75
    Mr. Ralph Rippo '75
    Mr. George R. Rochediew '75
    Mr. David M. Roskos '75
    Mr. Anthony Santorelli '75
    Mr. Jon R. Sauk '75
    Mr. Timothy Scanlon '75
    Mr. John Schaeffer '75
    Mr. Robert Schwemler '75
    Mr. Mark Scuorzo '75
    Mr. Martin J. Siegel '75
    Mr. Vatche Simonian '75
    Mr. June Smith '75
    Mr. William Smith '75
    Mr. James P. Solimano '75
    Mr. Michael F. Spadafino '75
    Mr. Brian R. Sullivan '75
    Mr. George Talarico '75
    Mr. Lawrence Tavaska '75
    Lt. Col. Thomas A. Tierney '75
    Mr. Joseph Tobia '75
    Mr. Joseph Tutela '75
    Mr. Robert S. Van Devere '75
    Mr. Anthony J. Verdi '75
    Mr. Robert G. Vogt '75
    Mr. Brian Wass '75
    Mr. John Wheeler '75
    Mr. Joseph J. Willcox '75
    Mr. Vincent Yannazzone '75
    Mr. Michael Zonenberg '75
  • No Valid Mailing Address - Class of '75

    Below are 1975 Classmates who we HAVE NO VALID ADDRESS for. If you see your name on this list, please reach out to me at to update your information!

    Mr. Humberto P. Alfonso '75
    Mr. Edmund L. Bennett '75
    Mr. Michael Bishop '75
    Mr. William Broz '75
    Mr. James Brunelle '75
    Mr. Thomas M. Cafferty '75
    Mr. Tony F. Campi '75
    Mr. Gregory Cangelosi '75
    Mr. John Caradonna '75
    Mr. Timothy J. Cleary '75
    Mr. William W. Collan '75
    Mr. Jim Costa '75
    Mr. Thomas DiSalvo '75
    Mr. Joseph N. Gallant '75
    Mr. George Gorbenko '75
    Mr. Otto J. Gulacsy '75
    Mr. James F. Hammill '75
    Mr. Paul Hector '75
    Mr. Martin Hughes '75
    Mr. Winston Jones '75
    Mr. George J. Katilus '75
    Mr. Bruce Legan '75
    Mr. Armon Magliaro '75
    Mr. William R. Miller '75
    Mr. Denis J. Mulvaney '75
    Mr. Mark P. Mylod '75
    Mr. Andrew Nagle '75
    Mr. Michael Paglia '75
    Mr. Randy Petrino '75
    Mr. Anthony Ramondini '75
    Mr. George R. Rochediew '75
    Mr. Jon R. Sauk '75
    Mr. Robert Schwemler '75
    Mr. Martin J. Siegel '75
    Mr. William Smith '75
    Mr. Brian R. Sullivan '75
    Mr. Joseph Tobia '75
    Mr. Anthony J. Verdi '75
    Mr. Frank J. Verducci '75
    Mr. John Wheeler '75
  • Deceased Classmates - Class of '75

    Mr. Neil P. Alexander '75
    Mr. Robert Benvides '75
    Mr. Gary C. Burnett '75
    Mr. Thomas J. Coyne '75
    Mr. Ed Deehan '75
    Mr. Craig C. Denman '75
    Mr. Angelo Esposito '75
    Mr. Paul J. Fay '75
    Mr. James A. Hopkins '75
    Mr. Michael E. Kicki '75
    Mr. Jonathan Kohut '75
    Mr. George Koukos '75
    Mr. Victor Lapychak '75
    Mr. Jerry Lavook '75
    Mr. Erza T. Nolan '75
    Mr. Douglas O'Connell '75
    Mr. Louis L. Paradiso '75
    Mr. Michael Pemberton '75
    Mr. Ovidio Pitaluga '75
    Mr. Terry Procajlo '75
    Mr. Michael Rizzuto '75
    Mr. Joseph Tafaro '75
    Dr. Michelangelo J. Vaccaro '75

How to Donate

Make a donation in honor of the Class of 1975 and your 50th Reunion! All information on how to give a donation to Seton Hall Prep is outlined HERE.


Matthew Nesto ’12
Director of Alumni Relations
Seton Hall Preparatory School
120 Northfield Avenue, West Orange, NJ 07052 | 973-325-6634

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