Jinyang Zhao

English Name: Eric
Home: Shanqhai, China
SHP Activities: Ambassadors Science Olympiad, Forensics Rifle Club
Career Aspirations: Business

During the summer vacation of the second year of middle school, my parents and I discussed and decided that I should study abroad in the US to complete high school. I received offers from several schools, but in the end, I chose SHP because my international agency praised the academic prowess of the school. Apart from academics, I knew the school was a religious institution and would put students first. The location was also ideal, right near New York and near the airport.

Since I was part of the first group in the International Program at SHP, there were many things I could not ask and did not know. After I began school, however, I immediately knew I had made the right choice. I was exposed to many new things, such as the Spanish language. After a couple years, I was selected to be a Student Ambassador, and I now serve as an Ambassador Officer. I am very thankful to the school for its faith in me. I also serve as the president for the Martial Arts Club. Mr. McNulty and Mr. Trinh and I have a group meeting every two weeks. In addition, I am also a member of the school’s rifle team. During the fall, we practice twice a week. Although I am often very busy and tired, I really enjoy the opportunity to practice my rifling skills. I would have never had the opportunity for such a hobby if I were in China.

Perhaps what attracts me most to the school is the strong bond between teachers and students. In China, there is an obvious distance between students and teachers, however here it’s just the opposite. My teachers and I are very close, and I count them among my friends. Our discussions cover a range of academic topics as well as everyday life issues. The teachers are very caring. Although I am not sure if other schools in the US are like this, however SHP has really given me a wonderful student experience. When I first came, I thought language would be a huge problem, but now I am confident in my English skills, it really did not take long at all to adapt.

This year I am a junior, and the heavy workload forces me to carefully weigh the time I spend between classes, SAT prep, homework and activities. Although I feel tired at times, it’s been a great experience here at the school.
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